
Tekenen is voor mij letterlijk onderweg-zijn. Lijnen die, net als de rivier de Maas, zorgen voor onverwachte wendingen, perspectief, emoties en diepgang. Tekeningen die als het voorbij stromende water van de rivier, getuigen van een onontkoombaar verlangen naar...

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Kalte Füsse

Kalte Füsse

Kalte Füsse – Expositie Atelier Soldina, 6 Positionen internationaler Künstlerinnen zur Kindheit im Kalten Krieg: Maria Es (1949 Itteren NL), Elena Ilina (1954 Odessa U), Christine Häuser (1951 Burgau D), Rachel Kohn (1962 Praag TS), Paula Ross (1954 Detroit VS),...

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Verhuizen van Amsterdam naar Venray

Verhuizen van Amsterdam naar Venray

ONYVA® en Maria Es voor even terug naar de oevers van de Maas Foto: De Maas Venray-Blitterswijck 2020 Wervelschaal - Keramiek Maria Es 2003 Beste, lieve kunstvrienden, Na 9 jaar Berlijn, 11 jaar Amsterdam, vanaf 2021 wonen en werken in Venray. Mijn verbinding met de...

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BIENNALE SANTORINI 2016 MARIA ES vertegenwoordigd met 2 monumentale werken.     DON'T TRUST ALICE she is the black hole in your mind Nr. I DON'T TRUST ALICE she is the black hole in your mind Nr. II take the scissors cut an ONYVA-figure create your own artwork at home...

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MARIA ES  INSTALLATION   * H 450 cm x W 125 cm
‘Don’t trust Alice, she is the black hole in your mind nr. 1′

take the scissors
cut an ONYVA-figure
create your own artwork at home & leave your black hole behind
the 100 figures are all signed by Maria Es & numbered at the back 

Who is Alice? Where is Wonderland? What is the Wonder? artistic theme of the 3rd International Biennale of Modern and Contemporary Art of Santorini.
Alice is moving in a world where the established perceptions about life are overruled and the “common morality” is mocked with great passion. Even if these two elements are mainly found in the work of Albert Camus, in the case of Alice we observe a “system of absolute freedom” same as the system supported by Sartre, in which the individual has the absolute liberty to determine his personality. But is this possible? Is “every Alice” a being that has been placed into “existence” without commitments and suggested to shape itself and its environment?

Maria Es is represented with two of her monumental artworks:
* DON’T TRUST ALICE, she is the black hole in your mind nr. 1
* DON’T TRUST ALICE, she is the black hole in your mind nr. 2


DON'T TRUST ALICE she is the black hole in your mind nr. 2

DON'T TRUST ALICE she is the black hole in your mind nr. 1

Text Don't trust Alice

Biennale Santorini 2016